At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things,

we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable.

I like exploration, music, energy, & nature.

This blog is inspired by other similar projects as a venture for me to discover and share ideas. Originally, I wanted it to be pretty focused on technology & engineering – in the spirit of exploration, it’s not constrained by that any longer. I hope you enjoy my creations.

I’m inspired to seek beauty, truth, & progress. I admire empiricism and I jump around a lot. Hence the name, tbd

Some highlights:

I wrote about my senior research project on orbital debris tracking. Later, I created a concept satellite for debris removal.

I like to explore by making art and trying to take decent photos with an iPhone. I also read a lot, you can check out my reading list here.

I think moss is pretty neat.

I’m really interested in the power grid and batteries.

Also, here is my rejection resume.

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